From A Witch's Perspective

From A Witch's Perspective

I recently had a fun conversation with my close friend, actress, comedian, and witch, Lindsey Cork. We talked about what people may think witchcraft is versus what it actually is, and it’s presence in media.

So how's your morning going?

Great. It will be better once I have some coffee.

From what I understand, you are into witchcraft. So, how long have you been into this, and what got you into it?

Well, I grew up in a strictly Baptist (Christian) home, and it never made sense to me. My questions were never answered about that religion, and it always felt wrong. I was Atheist all through high school (despite going to a Catholic school.), but in Atheism I wasn't happy either. Then, when I was 16, I read an article on Wicca. It spoke to me, but I didn't really act on it. Just thought it was dope. Then, after high school, I started pulling myself out of severe depression, and loneliness. I began to work out, and meditate. Then, I researched Buddhism; then other spiritual beliefs. Then, Wicca came back to me, and I knew it was supposed to. So, I started small by buying books, and essential oils for small spells. I have always loved witchcraft as a child, and it always beckoned me.

So what spells do you do?

It really varies. For me, I follow very strictly the "harm none" belief. So, if anyone wants me to place hexes you have the wrong witch. I typically do moon rituals during the changing moon cycles (new and full moon.) usually for abundance and growth for myself, and loved ones. I do a little magic daily. I light candles, burn sage and write intentions, and either burn the intention, or leave it on my altar. When you are a witch though almost everything you do for self improvement is inherently witchy.

I'm glad you mention what kind of witch you actually are. I'd like for you to clear the air on what you do versus what people think you do.

Yes, there is a lot misconceptions about witchcraft. There are some witches who harm for sure, but most of us are just your average person who works, has families, and we use our magic to lead happy lives. There is no Satan in the craft like many believe. Magic is the worship of the Earth, the universe, and the balance of light, and dark, and life. It is finding the Goddess within you. Knowing that the higher source isn't some man in the sky, but within all of us and all things. All things and all lives have energy.

Yeah, a lot of people think it's all satanic. Even though Satan has nothing to do with it, how do you think Satanic Panic has affected witchcraft?

Satanic Panic is what caused so many innocent people to be hanged, and burned alive both here and in Europe, and in modern times it causes great judgement. When I tell others I am a witch, I often feel a little nervous because you never know if it could cost you a job, or anything else. There are so many people out there still so hung up on Christianity they won't even listen to your belief ideas. Witch, the word has a lot of Stigma due to hundreds of years of accusations. I don't blame things in the media, like the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, or anything like that for misleading these people either. I adore that show, and other fictions about witchcraft. It is fun for me to see how it's different in each movie, and show. I blame people for not doing more research before judging. Media is not to blame a lot for things like that but, it is up to individuals to know that fiction is just that, and if they want to know more, they should read about it, or ask a witch. For me it isn't Satan, or the idea of Satan giving witches a bad name. It is the phobia of something different. People need to realize we shouldn't run or flee from the dark. We should embrace both dark and light.

It's funny you mention Sabrina because my next question was going to be about TV and movies embellishing witchcraft.I'd also like to ask, since you are also an actress, how has witchcraft influenced your art, and will you ever consider using real spells and rituals in your movies?

Oh, I love Sabrina, Harry Potter, and all of those things. It is fun to pick out what is close to accurate, and what is exaggerated, or fiction entirely. As an actress who is also a witch, for me I don't do any rituals exactly. Typically, I meditate before shooting, or auditioning, and I light a white and black candle, and pray to the Goddesses I prefer at that time. It helps me find my calm. I would actually love, love, love to play a witch in a film. Even something Satanic just for fun. I would never perform a real ritual in a movie simply because you don't want to accidentally cause harm, or do something regrettable.

That's a very great point. I mean, how would insurance cover that exactly lol? I'm only kidding. But yeah, it'd be terrible to accidentally hurt someone.

Exaclty. Magic, and invoking any will can be dangerous. You have to be specific, cautious, and your intentions need to be clear. That is why I never do any spells while angry.

Lastly, just for fun, who is your favorite movie and/or TV witchcraft icon?

Oh, wow. I have Several tops. My top three favorites are without a doubt 1.) Zelda Spellman from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 2.) Cousin Serena from Bewitched 3.) Endora from Bewitched.

I knew you'd say Zelda because of the post you made lol. I also had a feeling you'd choose someone from Bewitched. If I had to choose I'd say Chucky lol.

Ohhhh, good one actually. That was fun. I hope I did you, and the other witches out there some service.

You did, and thank you so much for your time! Is there anything you’d like to add?

If anyone has any questions about me, or the interview, you can add my social media to it.

Awesome! I'll link your YouTube channel!

Thank you!


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