"Guardian Angel" -  NFTF Case 003

"Guardian Angel" - NFTF Case 003

Location – Cross walk between Bird Rd and 112th Ave, Miami, FL

Time - 1976

Backstory – In 1976, a few months after Susan Wallace’s brother had passed away, she experienced an event on her walk home from school that she would never be able to explain or forget. This is her story.

“Guardian Angel”

I was 15 years old at the time, growing up in Miami, Florida. We typically took the city bus in downtown Miami to and from school.  Like any other day, I took the bus home, got off on Bird Road, and began walking across 112th Avenue.  By the time I made it to the middle of 112th Avenue, I heard some hard-screeching brakes. As I turned to my side, I could see a car with two men in it throwing their hands up and wording “No brakes!” I didn’t even have time to think because it happened so fast.

The next thing I know, I’m safely on the sidewalk. I began to wonder how that happened.  I couldn’t have run that fast or jumped from the middle of the street – that would be impossible.  Just as my mind began to look for answers, a guy had turned around and pulled up next to me and asked if I was ok.  I told him I was fine, and said, “I don’t know how I got across the road.” He replied, “Me neither” and drove off.

After a few minutes of letting the event sink in, I started to think what could have saved me from being hit? Then I started to think about my brother, who had just recently passed away.  I felt as if there was no other explanation -- my brother had intervened. At the time I was very young and knew nothing about the unexplained/paranormal. I didn’t know about people crossing over and looking out for the people they had loved. Now that I’m older, I have heard of many instances where other people have experienced an event where they knew that a loved one had saved them from danger.

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