"Left too soon" - NFTF Case 001

"Left too soon" - NFTF Case 001

Location – Redland, Florida

Time – Late 1980’s

Back Story – This story comes directly from my mom who has spent most of her life focused on Fringe topics. While working as a bartender in the Florida RedLands at a place called the Roadrunner, two regulars came in one night after ending their shifts with a story that scared the two men senseless.  This story was shared within 30 minutes of the event happening. (Names have been changed to hide identities).

Left too Soon

            Oscar and Bob were two of your typical biker/not afraid of fight type-guys. They were in their thirties and were the type of guys that would hit the dive bar (The Roadrunner) just about every night. But their behavior this night was different.

            The two men came into the Roadrunner that night with weird looks on their faces as if they were scared, which was very unusual for men of this character. My mom asked the men what was wrong, because she could tell something was off. Oscar and Bob asked for beers and then begin to tell my mom a story that she would never forget.

            Oscar and Bob left their jobs that night and headed to their local watering hole (Roadrunner). This was typical for the two.  However, on the way there they came across a car accident. The ambulance had already arrived at the accident.  Oscar and Bob had stopped to see if they could lend a hand. The two men pulled to the side of the road and exited their vehicle.

           As they were walking toward the accident they saw a woman that began to talk to them and asked, "What's going on?" The two men said that they didn’t know, but it looked like a bad accident.  Then, they explained that they wanted to see if they could help. Oscar and Bob walked towards the wreck where the paramedics, firefighters and police officers were. Once they reached the scene, they asked if there was something they could do to help.

          The paramedics said that there was nothing they could do because the driver was deceased.  As this was said, Oscar and Bob saw a body being pushed on a gurney to the the ambulance. Oscar and Bob then realized that they recognized the body. Without a doubt, Oscar and Bob identified the deceased body as the woman they had just spoken to on the way over to the accident.


"Not What You'd Think" - NFTF Case 002

"Not What You'd Think" - NFTF Case 002

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