All in Unexplained

If Marilyn Manson can, so can you!

At a young age, Marilyn Manson experienced the paranormal on more than one occasion. He has the courage to come forth with what has happened to him, and it shows that you can as well. As someone who has been a die-hard fan since my teen years, I can say he has definitely helped me.

"Preston County Bigfoot" - NFTF Case 006

In 2016, a coworker of mine told me that his neighbor’s son was finding large foot prints on their property and thought it may be from a Bigfoot. Initially, I didn’t believe him.  However, Kenny and I would later see some things that would open the possibly of a Bigfoot living in Preston County West Virginia. Names have been changed to hide the identities of the people involved and to prevent people from visiting the property.

"The Lady in the Dress" - NFTF Case 005

I was three years old when I had my first contact with a ghost.  Chalk it up to childhood amnesia, but I do not remember this encounter.  It was terrified my mother though.  She wouldn’t talk about this incident until I had graduated high school 15 years later.  This is the story she finally told me…

"Left too soon" - NFTF Case 001

This story comes directly from my mom who has spent most of her life focused on Fringe topics. While working as a bartender in the Florida RedLands at a place called the Roadrunner, two regulars came in one night after ending their shifts with a story that scared the two men senseless.  This story was shared within 30 minutes of the event happening. (Names have been changed to hide identities).