Did the "Grey Man" warn us about hurricane Florence?

Did the "Grey Man" warn us about hurricane Florence?

It is hurricane season and we here in Horry County saw the first hurricane of the season. Like many, I hope that everyone stays safe and has minimal damage to their property. The weird thing about legends is that they have a way of always coming back around. That is no different from the story of the “Grey Man” in Pawley’s island.

The legend of the grey man began in the summer in 1822.  A wealthy young man getting ready to get married and was riding his horse along the coast in Pawley’s Island when he fell off his horse into the marsh. The young, wealthy soon to be groom did not survive his fall. Later, his bride to be would walk the beaches of the Grand Strand after she heard the news of his death. This is where she would see a man that appeared to be him dressed in grey. This man disappeared once she got close.

That night, she had a dream that this man (man in grey) told her to leave Pawley’s Island because a storm was coming. She took this advice and left with her family and avoided a major storm.

The grey man would be seen many more times before massive storms in the Grand Strand. This includes Hugo in 1989. Now that Florence has hit the Grand Strand, we have to wonder if anyone saw him before the storm.

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